Processing a fraudulent order on your parts website can set sales back by days or even weeks!
But you shouldn’t have to live in fear. As long as you have the right tools and a bit of knowledge on the subject, it’s easy to spot a risky order.
Here’s a list of resources you can read to learn more about avoiding fraud and protecting your margins when selling parts online.
4 Insights into the Mind of an Online Fraudster
What’s going through a fraudster’s mind when they’re preparing to scam you?
By knowing a few things about their thought process, they’ll be easier to spot when they place an order on your parts website.
This article breaks down 4 of things fraudsters think about before they place an order.
5 Unbelievable Examples of Orders that Looked Fraudulent but Weren’t
Up for a bit of detective work? The examples in this article show some incredible orders that looked incredibly suspicious, but ended up being legitimate. Learn how to hunt for clues in the order that can help you distinguish fraud vs legit orders.
Warning: these order examples are highly unlikely situations. When it comes to fraud, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
7 Essential Practices to Avoid Online Fraud
A few best practices on your parts website can go a long way in protecting you from hackers and fraudsters.
Sometimes it’s as simple as working with an eCommerce solution that prioritizes security and takes certain measures to keep you safe.
Top 10 Red Flags for Online Fraud on your Parts Website
Knowledge is power! Stay ahead of fraudsters by knowing how to recognize a risky order when it comes in.
Luckily, the RevolutionParts platform’s fraud score indicator recognizes all the most common red flags of fraud and lists them out for you on any risky order.
That said, it’s still good to know what warning signs to look for in potentially fraudulent orders.
How to NOT Get Hacked When Selling Auto Parts Online
Do you know what Tokenization is? Here’s what you need to know: It’s one of the best ways to protect sensitive customer information on your parts website.
Make sure your eCommerce solution uses tokenization before signing up!
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