[WEBINAR] 2 Truths and a Lie: Parts eCommerce Edition

Think you know what it takes to sell online? We’ve talked to countless dealers over the years and learned that there are many misconceptions about selling parts online. 

We recently sat down with two RevolutionParts experts to dispel some of these myths in a fun game of 2 Truths and a Lie: Parts eCommerce Edition. In the webinar below, we’ll discuss the top five misconceptions we hear when talking to dealers and the truth behind it all.

2 Truths and a Like:
Parts eCommerce Edition

Five Biggest Parts eCommerce Lies 

In a hurry? Here is a quick summary of the top misconceptions we cover in the webinar and what the truth really is.

🤥 Lie 1: Selling On Your Dealership = Selling On Your Own Store

Did you know that according to a recent RevolutionParts survey, 54% of dealers sell parts online? However, most dealerships selling parts online do so through their dealership website. While this is a great tactic to get started with eCommerce and cater to your local market, it is different from selling through your own dedicated parts web store. 

A parts web store is a website that is separate from your dealership website and is solely dedicated to selling parts. This is the best way to sell parts online at volume and attract customers nationwide. One reason is that you have many more parts marketing opportunities, and your web store is not at risk of interfering with your local business.

🤥 Lie 2: Selling Online is a “Race to the Bottom”

While it is true that selling online often means you have to price competitively, this does not mean selling online is a “race to the bottom.” When you stop focusing on margins and start focusing on volume, selling online can be a race to the top. By being more strategic with your margins so your parts can be competitive online, you can easily sell more parts. This can quickly lead to higher revenue and more profits. It’s not a game of margins; it’s a game of sales volume.

🤥 Lie 3: You Can’t Sell Online with a Small Staff

It’s no secret that there is a staffing shortage, and most dealerships are feeling the effects. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t sell online. Many RevolutionParts dealers find that they don’t need to add staff until they are averaging about $30k in monthly online sales. 

Why? Because the RevolutionParts platform doesn’t just help you sell more parts nationwide but also helps you run your parts department more efficiently by helping you improve operations. This means your staff will have more time on their hands that can be used to sell more parts.

🤥 Lie 4: Selling Obsolete Parts is a Lost Cause

Dealerships with a high obsolescence rate often don’t realize they have a strong revenue generator right under their noses. Due to the size of the online market, you can reach more parts buyers interested in purchasing those aging and obsolete parts taking up space on your shelves. With the right marketing tactics in place and the right tools at your fingertips, you can offload more obsolescence. 

For example, eBay is one of the first stops niche parts buyers go to when they are shopping, so it is a great place to sell your aging and obsolete parts. Plus, with RevolutionParts, not only will you get access to eBay without listing fees, but you will also be able to take advantage of the RevolutionParts Obsolescence Tool across multiple selling channels.

🤥 Lie 5: Selling Online = Instant Sales

One of the biggest misconceptions about selling online is that it requires no additional work, and once you turn it on, sales just start coming in. While we all wish it worked like that, there is a bit more to it. However, you can grow a thriving online parts business with a well-tuned strategy and a little parts marketing. 

Of course, to help get you there, RevolutionParts provides its dealers with full support along the way. We’ve spent years studying automotive parts trends and know online OEM parts consumers well. When you sell with RevolutionParts, you have the backing of parts eCommerce experts to guide you on your journey.

Bottom Line

Want to learn more about selling parts online? Schedule a demo with one of our parts eCommerce experts by clicking the button below.

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