Fairway Ford

Online Parts Coordinator Nathan Vargo aimed to increase online sales by $30k per month. He quickly surpassed that goal, reaching over $115k in sales during the last 30 days alone.

“I did a lot of research of what was available, and RevolutionParts had all the options I was looking for… RevolutionParts was the best.”

— Nathan Vargo, Online Parts Coordinator at Fairway Ford

When Nathan Vargo facilitated the launch of Fairway Ford’s standalone web store, he had a big goal in mind: to capture an additional $30,000 per month in online parts sales. As an experienced Online Parts Coordinator with more than 8 years under his belt at Fairway Ford, he knew this objective would be difficult to reach without the tools and support a strong online selling platform could provide.

“I did a lot of research of what was available, and RevolutionParts had all the options I was looking for,” says Nathan. He wanted a eCommerce platform that could streamline his workflow and allow him to focus on sales and operations. He explored his options, but quickly determined “RevolutionParts was the best.”

Nathan’s decision to partner with RevolutionParts has led to a current 30 day rolling revenue of $115,598!

Within just a few short months, Nathan didn’t just meet Fairway Ford’s goal of increasing online revenue by $30,000…he blew it out of the water.  Nathan’s decision to partner with RevolutionParts has led to a current 30 day rolling revenue of $115,598!

Increased Sales Volume = Better Prices = Happier Customers

Although Fairway Ford’s reputation with its customers has never been better, not everyone is pleased. Their increased sales volume has unlocked the ability to offer more competitive prices, leaving their brick-and-mortar competitors in the dust.

Nathan often sees parts managers complain in online message boards about losing customers to Fairway Ford, due to their lower prices. “A lot of times it’s because they want to sell something at list price. Nine times out of ten we beat their price” he says.

RELATED: The Parts Manager’s Pricing Guide to Maximize Gross Profits

Nathan believes many of his competitors are “stuck in their ways.” As they continue to scratch their heads, Fairway Ford is cashing in. The ever-increasing sales volume generated by their web store continues to drive record-breaking revenue.

Since partnering with RevolutionParts less than two years ago, Fairway Ford reports a current YTD revenue of $463k (January 2019 – June 2019).

Parts flying off the shelves

Along with higher sales, Fairway Ford aims to avoid dreaded obsolescence: parts that sit on the back shelves of the warehouse, collecting dust. For Nathan, he’s noticed that RevolutionParts has helped market these older parts, stating “we can offer prices that make aging parts more viable for the right customers.”

RELATED: The Parts Manager’s Guide to Beating Obsolescence

By allowing RevolutionParts to maintain an up-to-date catalog of all available Ford auto parts, Nathan is able to spend his time on important matters: “RevolutionParts does most of the hard work for me. I just need to market and fulfill orders.”

Since partnering with RevolutionParts less than two years ago, Fairway Ford reports a current YTD revenue of $463k (January 2019 – June 2019), higher profit margins (due to increased sales with no seller fees), an ever-increasing customer base, and a streamlined workflow for parts counter employees.

To learn how RevolutionParts can help your business increase revenues and streamline production, request a demo here.

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