Quality Buick GMC Mazda of Albuquerque

Garry Ricci, Parts & Accessories Director for Quality Buick GMC Mazda of Albuquerque, uses RevolutionParts and the Storefront Plugin to directly compete with Aftermarket parts sales and reach more customers than ever before.

“As OEM dealers, I believe we all should have an online presence. The majority of our competitors are not other dealers online; it is the aftermarket. If you want to be successful, have a professional appearance, and get online quickly, RevolutionParts is who you want as your online provider, hands down.”

— Garry Ricci, Parts & Accessories Director for Quality Buick GMC Mazda of Albuquerque

Garry Ricci knows eCommerce. As a seasoned veteran in the world of selling online, Garry is part of a small percentage of Parts & Accessories Directors who adopted eCommerce in its infancy. He knew from past experience that reaching more buyers was only possible through selling his dealership’s inventory online.

“I started selling online in 2003 using a dealer site, eBay, and Google Adwords.” Garry tested several eCommerce options, each time meeting insurmountable roadblocks. “As my experience selling online evolved, I was looking for something better. I found RevolutionParts early in its beginnings.”

In order to keep up with buying trends, Quality Buick GMC Mazda of Albuquerque needed to make a change—fast. Selling parts and accessories in a smaller area is difficult, especially when aftermarket items are readily available online, around the clock. That’s why Garry made the decision to sell his parts inventory on a platform that would give him the competitive edge.

Getting revved up to tackle online sales

Ramping up with the RevolutionParts platform took Garry no time at all. After a short startup, he was ready to take on online sales and the aftermarket.
“Implementation of our site was quick and painless and that hasn’t stopped after our site went live. Support is very fast to respond with results. The quickness of support is a selling feature on its own.”

In order to achieve his goals—sell more parts, increase profit, and provide excellent service— Garry had to move the dealership to a reliable online platform. Garry feels that RevolutionParts was instrumental in achieving each one of his goals: “The platform’s easy for customers to use, easy to advertise, and easy to customize. RevolutionParts provides the tools to easily accomplish these goals, and then some.”

Held back by slow, outdated platforms

No dealership is going to be able to compete with aftermarket parts and accessories without the ability to sell online. OEM dealers need a 24/7 parts catalog that gives customers the ability to shop the entire parts inventory.
“I was tired of continuous down times: we were paying to advertise a site that was constantly down,” Garry says of other platforms. “There wasn’t much innovation or movement with our previous provider to adapt or help us to be competitive…We set up a separate site with RevolutionParts to test the waters.”
Garry believes RevolutionParts is the best platform with which to reach a nationwide audience. The next big fish to catch? Aftermarket parts buyers.

Competing with Aftermarket Online

Aftermarket parts have a gigantic online presence. About 80% of independent auto shops in the country use aftermarket parts. How can a Parts & Accessories Director like Garry compete? Simple: make the superior OEM parts just as easy to buy as aftermarket inventory.

Garry says it best: “As OEM dealers, I believe we all should have an online presence. The majority of our competitors are not other dealers online; it is the aftermarket. If you want to be successful, have a professional appearance, and get online quickly, RevolutionParts is who you want as your online provider, hands down.”

Selling online helps Garry get his OEM products in front of customers that would likely never see his parts counter in person.

“We are located in Albuquerque, New Mexico. New Mexico has the same population as my former home, Rhode Island. Needless to say, there aren’t as many selling opportunities here as there would be in a more densely-populated part of the country. A website provides a much larger market to a dealer.”

New auto parts sales topped $10 billion in 2018. Garry was not willing to miss out on this ripe revenue opportunity.

“Selling online is a large part of our business and it has helped us attain higher sales, which I do not think would be possible otherwise,” he says. 96% of Americans shop online—by making his parts inventory catalog available online for all to shop from, Garry put his dealership on the national map of reliable OEM parts sellers.

Crushing the competition with an always online parts store plugin

No tool gives parts departments the freedom to show their entire parts catalog online like the Storefront Plugin from RevolutionParts. Trade your parts form for an online marketplace that brings parts buying into the future.

Parts & Accessories Directors like Garry Ricci are driving eCommerce for the auto industry and becoming experts in maximizing online sales revenue. If you’re ready to sell around the clock, request a RevolutionParts demo and discover how the Storefront Plugin puts your customers in the driver’s seat.

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