In a world where the parts counter revenue engine is slowing down, eCommerce solution RevolutionParts is helping dealers shift into a new sales gear. RevolutionParts recently became the only parts eCommerce platform to drive $1 billion in total sales for franchised...
Selling through online marketplaces is one of the best ways to move your obsolete and aging inventory while maximizing your gross profit. They allow you to open up your business to more potential customers, gain faster transaction rates, and maximize a higher sales...
As the auto industry continues to change, staying on top of trends that benefit OEMs means maximizing your profits. Driver assistance on the rise Most auto accidents are tied to human error, and today’s cars are evolving to use new technology that improves safety....
Around the country, dealerships are scrambling for more service technicians. By 2026, it’s projected that there will need to be 46,000 more techs. That’s a 6% growth rate from 2016. The number could be larger, too. Think about those who are quitting. An industry...
Autonomous vehicles are designed to make driving (or in this case, not-driving) safer. No one would argue that every attempt should be made to reduce the number of car accidents, but the more vehicles that stay on the roads, the fewer that end up in your shop for...
Top 250 Ford Parts Sold Online A list of the top 250 Ford parts sold online through RevolutionParts over the past 12 months. DOWNLOAD THIS LIST Top 250 Ford Parts Sold Online A list of the top 250 Ford parts sold online through RevolutionParts over the past 12 months....
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